Postdoctoral Fellow in systematic research reviews on diversity and inclusion in early childhood and schools-University of Stavanger-Norway

Application deadline date has been passed for this Job.
  • Post Date: October 15, 2021
  • Applications 0
  • Views 208
Job Overview

Postdoctoral Fellow in systematic research reviews on diversity and inclusion in early childhood and schools.

University of Stavanger -

Job description

The University of Stavanger invites applicants for a position as Postdoctoral Fellow who will conduct and disseminate  systematic research reviews on diversity and inclusion in early childhood and / or schools at the Faculty of Arts and Education, Knowledge Centre for Education. The position is vacant from 01.01.2022.

The Knowledge Centre for Education is part of the knowledge ecology of Norway, mandated

1. to carry out research syntheses for the whole education sector – from Early Childhood through Higher education, for practitioners, researchers and policymakers. disseminate research syntheses in ways that enable engagement and understanding

3. to increase knowledge about systematic syntheses of research – their relevance, their use, and how to do systematic research reviews and syntheses.

4. to contribute to enhanced use of research in policy and practice

The objective of the position is to strengthen research, and to give researchers/scholars holding a doctoral degree the opportunity for further qualification toward top academic positions.

Postdoctoral Fellow is employed for a period of two years.

The postdoctoral fellow will be a member of the staff at the Knowledge Centre for Education, and will receive relevant training and support to conduct systematic research reviews.

In addition, the postdoctoral fellow will be a member of a research group on diversity, inclusion and education, which is led by UNESCO Chair professor Geir Skeie at UiS. The research group researches various aspects of social and cultural diversity in education, and is concerned with exploring and developing more inclusive practices. Within this, there are a number of different issues that are awaiting systematic research reviews, for instance how inclusion in school can be linked to teaching and learning,

The qualifying project will be carried out at the University of Stavanger. It is assumed that the appointee will work full time on the project and that she/he will participate in the academic community.


Qualification requirements

You must have a ph.d. with a specialisation relevant for the project. The ph.d. thesis must have been submitted for evaluation within the application deadline for the position and approved before accession.

You must have good command of both oral and written English.

In the assessment the following criteria will be emphasised:

  • relevance, quality and feasibility of the project
  • submitted scientific work and your personal skills for completing the project within the timeframe
  • international experience and network
  • qualifications within the areas of creativity, innovation and commercialisation of research
  • good teamwork, communication skills and ability to participate in research communities across organisational units
  • ability to work independently in a structured manner
  • motivation, sense of responsibility and accountability, work capacity and enthusiasm for research
  • previous experience with systematic research reviews

General information

The engagement is to be made in accordance with the regulations in force concerning State Employees and Civil Servants, and the acts relating to Control of the Export of Strategic Goods, Services and Technology. Candidates who by assessment of the application and attachment are seen to conflict with the criteria in the latter law will be prohibited from recruitment to UiS.

Employment as Postdoctoral Fellow is regulated in “Regulations concerning terms and conditions of employment for the posts of post-doctoral research fellow and research fellow, research assistant and resident”.

Your qualifications for the position, based on documentation registered in Jobbnorge, will be assessed by an internal expert committee. Based on the committee’s statement, relevant applicants will be invited to an interview before any recommendations are made. References will also be obtained for relevant candidates. More about the hiring process on our website.

UiS has an Acquisition of Rights Agreement for the purpose of securing rights to intellectual property created by its employees, including research results.

It is a prerequisite that you have a residence which enables you to be present at/available to the academic community during ordinary working hours.

The position has been announced in both Norwegian and English. In the case of differences of meaning between the texts, the Norwegian text takes precedence.

How to Apply


Job Detail
  • Offered SalaryNot Specified
  • Career LevelNot Specified
  • ExperienceNot Specified
  • GenderBoth
  • INDUSTRYEducation
  • QualificationDoctorate Degree (Ph.D.)
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